Kit: Great Planes 40-size cub
Electric Conversion By Mike Pfeiffer - MARCEE
ELECTRIC POWER - Motors: two Koysho Magnetic-Mayhem motors geared 2.5:1 to a common output shaft using a gearbox of my own design (See Bushing to Ball Bearing Article
bear2bsh.html )
Battery: 16x1700 or 2000 SCR
Propeller: Master Airscrew 13x8 electric prop. Full throttle produces approx. 6500 rpm at approx. 30A
Speed controller: Steve Neu micro, 60A
Radio: Futaba 7ch Rx, mini-servos for rudder and elevator, micro-servos for each aileron, 270mAh battery.
Flying Weight: 7.5 lbs.
Weight reduction: reduced airframe weight by omitting the rear part of the fuselage doublers, tapering the wing spars etc. Total weight removed from the airframe was approx. 8-10 oz.
Other modifications: Wing was shortened by 6_8 for improved aerobatic capability.
Flight Duration: 8-9 minutes typical -- much longer flights are possible since altitude can be maintained with very low throttle settings.
Performance: Ample power for aerobatic flying such as: big loops, rolls, stall turns, inverted flight, etc.
Webmaster Notes:
I have seen this model fly -- its appearance and performance are absolutely excellent. It is an outstanding example of what innovation, and quality-modeling can do to advance and demonstrates electric flight without spending a bundle. It is hard to watch this model perform without wanting to go straight home and build an electric powered Piper Cub. Mike notes that his experience with the Magnetic Mayhems encouraged him to use them in this unique manner to power the Cub, but that any good electric power plant such as a Aveox or Astro 25 or 40 would fly equally as well.